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Pediatric Dentistry

We attend to all dental care needs children and monitor their overall dental development. Our paediatric treatments include restoration of decay, pulp therapy, preventive dentals procedures like sealants, topical fedoraed application and none.

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Invisalign Teeth Aligners

This involves series of clear, removable aligners customized  by our expect orthodontists for each individual patient with exact calculations to gradually move your teeth into place without pain used without metal braces.



Generally most wisdom teeth are impacted (fully/partially embedded in the bone) and require surgical extraction. All surgical extractions are performed by highly skilled surgeons who practice high stage of hygiene and sterilization.

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Gum Surgeries

Unhygienic oral habits bad to deep-seated gum infections. Our periodontists perform all types of gum surgeries with finesse to arrest the damage and restore gum health.

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Teeth Whitening

Bleaching is a simple, noninvasive procedure to change the color of natural tooth enamel or to remove the deep microscope stains on the teeth.

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Cavity Fillings

We use natural tooth colored composite materials for all cavity.A filling is used to repair the tooth affected by decay, chips, fractures as well as to close spaces between teeth.

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Full Mouth Rehabiliation

The treatment of full mouth rehabilitation is recommended for patients who have multiple oral health problems affecting their teeth, mouth, gums and/or jaw. 


Teeth Jewellery

The treatment of full mouth rehabilitation is recommended for patients who have multiple oral health problems affecting their teeth, mouth, gums and/or jaw. 

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Orthodontic treatment involves correction of crowded , maligned, spaced, irregular teeth by way of their actual physical movement.

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Scalling & Root Planning

This is a non-invasive procedure done to remove the plaque, tartar & stains, in your mouth particularly on or near gums. This promotes faster healing and successful results of further procedures. Professional cleaning, scaling and polishing are essential at least one every 6 months to maintain good oral health & address and problems in early stages.

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Dental Implants

A dental implants is an ideal choice for replacing missing tooth. Since it integrates into your jaw structure,they look & feel like natural teeth since they do not rely on neighboring teeth for support, they are more tooth saving than traditional bridge work.

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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Therapy is needed when the nerve supply and blood supply of a tooth is affected by decay or infection. In order to save the tooth the bacteria, infection etc. are removed and the space is filled with special, medicated, dental materials to restore its full function.

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Crown & Bridges

They are used for replacing the missing teeth as well as in cases where implants are contraindicated. There are several hyper bridges like porcelain tossed metal, Emax, all ceramic, Zirconia.

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Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure that involves the extraction of one or more wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop in the back of the mouth and typically emerge during late adolescence or early adulthood.

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Veneers and Laminates

Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and better mimic the light reflecting properties of natural teeth.

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TMJ Disorder & Facial Pain

TMD often causes severe pain and discomfort. It can be temporary or last many years. Most commonly appear off and on. It might affect one or both sides of your face, most commonly one side. TMD is more common in women than men, and it’s most common among people between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

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Smile Design

A smile design or makeover is a dental procedure or combination of dental procedures which artistically creates straighter, whiter and beautiful natural looking smiles. Smile designs can do wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.

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These jewels are made of crystal glass and are available in different colors, sizes and shapes. They are glued to the front surfaces of the upper anterior teeth. Placing these stones is a very brief procedure but it goes a long way in satisfying the dental cosmetic needs of the patient. 

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We offer several denture based options for the replacement of teeth like basic complete dentures, implant supported complete dentures, etc. Dentures are very durable appliances and will last many year but may have to be remade, repaired, readjusted periodically due to normal wear.

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Metal Free Cap

All-ceramics are commonly placed in those situations where the aesthetics are of utmost concern in front teeth. All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns provide better natural color match than any other crown type. Furthermore, shade matching is much easier with porcelain, so you won’t have to worry about the crown matching the rest of your teeth.

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Pyorrhea Gum Disease

Periodontitis also called Pyorrhea is a term used to describe a group of conditions that involves inflammation of the gums and other structures that support the teeth. Periodontitis is caused by bacteria found in dental plaque and often, but not always, starts as gingivitis.